No last survivor bonus being given

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No last survivor bonus being given

I've been running some battle recently and only just noticed that the last survivor bonus always seems to be 0. No matter how many wins a robot has. Is this a bug or a new version of the scoring? This is sometimes lowering the final score of some bots by a considerable amount.

A battle where no last survivor bonus is being awarded

    --Maribo (talk) 21:23, 11 August 2013 (UTC)22:23, 11 August 2013

    Looks like a bug. Have you tried previous versions to see when it started?

      MN (talk)20:33, 12 August 2013

      Just tried and The bug is there is, but in, the scores are correctly given.

        Maribo (talk)21:27, 12 August 2013

        You should post the bug in sourceforge.

        And we might have to reset the rumble later.

          MN (talk)15:36, 13 August 2013

          Yeah, please do report the bug. We use in the rumble. I wonder if/how much this affects the Melee/Teams rankings... But it shouldn't affect 1v1 since the % score is the same whether you get 50 or 60 for a 1st (as long as you get 0 for a 2nd).

            Voidious (talk)16:02, 13 August 2013