Andrew Wells kd-tree

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Andrew Wells kd-tree

how fast is Andrew Wells kd-tree

    Tmservo (talk)13:17, 8 October 2013

    How Fast Is Andrew Wells KD-TREE

      Tmservo (talk)23:33, 10 October 2013

      I suggest you stop worrying about how fast a particular kd-tree is and just use one of them. The top few kd-trees are all very similar in performance and I am sure each have their pro's and cons. I personally still use Rednaxela's Gen 2 tree because of how self contained it is (vs his Gen 3 which has more structure).

        Chase06:10, 11 October 2013

        I'm not sure if Andrew Wells wrote a Kd-Tree. Perhaps if you tell us which tree you're actually talking about it might help?

        If you were using it for Robocode I don't think you'd be worrying about which one. What are you using the tree for?

          Skilgannon (talk)18:27, 11 October 2013