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Revision as of 14 October 2013 at 16:34.
The highlighted comment was created in this revision.

Hey, a quick request with EvBot, could you only have one version in the rumble at a time? If you want to compare their scores you can do that in the details page.

Also, just a suggestion, you will get stable rumble results quicker if you make EvBot execute faster. Right now it runs quite slowly, and while that *is* allowed, it makes testing quite a bit more painful ;-)

    Skilgannon (talk)12:54, 14 October 2013

    I removed the second entry and apologize for such misbehavior.

    Can you suggest a tool to test my bot offline? I use RoboRunner, but I see its result different from robocode graphical interface, and even then it is different for paint on/off cases. I am guessing it is doe to the fact that my bot is super slow, and has more skipped turns in no gui environment.

      Beaming (talk)14:45, 14 October 2013

      Don't worry about the second one, lots of people do that when they're starting out. It's just better to have one so the rankings don't get as full, and "top 100" actually means "top 100" etc...

      Yeah, that sounds like you're dealing with skipped turns problems. RoboRunner should give you similar results to the main RoboRumble (at least, in pair-on-pair scores). If you minimise the graphical interface do the results look similar to what you're getting with RoboRunner? Also, make sure you aren't running too many simultaneous threads in RoboRunner, if you're running more threads than cores it can impact skipped turns pretty heavily.

      Why don't you make a page for EvBot where you explain what your general strategy is, we might be able to help you with getting it to run faster and avoiding the skipped turn problems.

        Skilgannon (talk)18:34, 14 October 2013