Properties file?

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Properties file?

The instructions say that you must include a <botname>.properties file. However, there's no link to instructions on how to create this properties file, where to put it, or what to put in it. This would be extremely helpful. I don't want to have to go reading the source code. Thanks.

    TopQuark (talk)07:06, 22 October 2013

    If you package your bot normally through Robocode, it's there and you don't need to worry about it. I'm not sure why these instructions need to have that detail...

      Voidious (talk)07:16, 22 October 2013

      I second TopQuark. I do not like to use gui for my projects especisally if simple makefile does the job. So while ago I looked inside of the .properties file.

      It is not that complicated and apparently not all fields of it are checked. Every time I jar my bot I put updated .properties file with newly regenerated robot.version and uuid fields. Looks like the rest of it is not checked by robocode. Note that my bots are listed with eem.EvBot marker when I put them for competition. Below is my template.

      #Robot Properties
      #Sat Aug 11 01:30:45 EDT 2012
      robot.description=Simple predictor for fire and naive evasion
        Beaming (talk)17:44, 22 October 2013