What is wrong with meleerumble?

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What is wrong with meleerumble?

Looks like meleerumble is not updated anymore. If one goes to http://literumble.appspot.com/Rankings?game=meleerumble she would see that the most recent update was done on 2013-11-07 while today is 2013-11-16.

    Beaming (talk)06:54, 16 November 2013

    That's because nobody is running a client for it. You're welcome to run it yourself, unfortunately I had to stop the client I was running when I moved out of my old lab.

      Skilgannon (talk)11:49, 16 November 2013

      I find it impossible to run a client for meleerumble, robocode just crushes on attempt to submit results. I have no such problem for roborumble, which continues to happily accept my CPU cycles :)

      But someting is broken in meleerumble robocode. Here is the relevant part of the console log for ./meleerumble.sh v1.8.2.0 run

      RESULT = mld.Wisdom 1.0 wins, bayen.UbaMicro 1.4 is second.
      Fighting battle 2 ... dq.Finity 0.2,jangs.ns51 1.0,simonton.micro.Sprout 1.1.3,baal.nano.N 1.42,ap.Frederick 1.1,amk.jointstrike.JointStrike 0.2,cs.sheldor.Talon 1.1,bvh.mini.Fenrir 0.39,arthord.NanoSatanMelee Beta,fullsail.TimbotNoPrediction 1.0
      Can't load 'dq.Finity 0.2' because it is an invalid robot or team.
      RESULT = simonton.micro.Sprout 1.1.3 wins, bvh.mini.Fenrir 0.39 is second.
      Uploading results ...
      OK. Portia vs Improved added to queue in 5ms
      Exception in thread "Application Thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
              at net.sf.robocode.roborumble.netengine.ResultsUpload.uploadResults(ResultsUpload.java:176)    
              at roborumble.RoboRumbleAtHome.main(RoboRumbleAtHome.java:137)
        Beaming (talk)17:42, 16 November 2013