Did any one noticed the FPS drop in robocode >

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Did any one noticed the FPS drop in robocode >

I see that my FPS is much smaller for robocode newer than It is actually as slow as 15 FPS, while in robocode v1.7.3.0 on the same machine I was getting close to 50FPS. This make graphical debug quite painful, and forces me to use old robocode which is suboptimal, since rumbles run with 1.8.2 and 1.8.3.

    Beaming (talk)19:39, 17 November 2013

    What system are you running on? I know some of the OpenJDK stuff needs to have the OpenGL manually inserted into the startup scripts, and this was causing crashes on some systems so it was removed.

      Skilgannon (talk)07:20, 18 November 2013

      I am running Linux debian stable. Is it possible to put OpenGL back via config file edits or similar?

        Beaming (talk)08:12, 18 November 2013

        If you copy the robocode.sh file from it should have the opengl arguments in it.

          Skilgannon (talk)08:25, 18 November 2013

          it seems that these files are identical

          cd "${0%/*}"
          java -Xmx512M -cp libs/robocode.jar robocode.Robocode $*
          cd "${pwd}"

          so it something else

            Beaming (talk)16:16, 18 November 2013

            Check here and here. It seems that the openGL was used in, not

              Skilgannon (talk)18:45, 18 November 2013

              Thanks a lot for the hint. Running robocode as

              java -Xmx512M -Dsun.java2d.opengl=True -cp libs/robocode.jar robocode.Robocode $*

              boosted FPS to reasonable 30. But it strange that old client which does not have this line still outperform new one in term of FPS.

              Also correction it was not robocode v1.7.3 it is rumble- but I guess it based on the same version of robocode.

                Beaming (talk)06:50, 19 November 2013