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Revision as of 28 November 2013 at 00:53.
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Last edit: 20:51, 28 November 2013
    Tmservo (talk)01:24, 27 November 2013

    From the sounds of it his "DangerPrediction" is very similar to MinimumRiskMovement, except he evaluates the danger along every point in a route. Which is very similar to WaveSurfing except without waves. He would have to have some other method for calculating the risk however.

    Also, not sure how those images prove that the robot is open source. The source being in the Jar and a FLOSS License is usually sufficient.

      Chase04:59, 27 November 2013

      Please stop posting images, they are of no help. Also Robocode cannot `decompile` anything.

      Open Source does not refer to the availability of the source code, but the rights given by the author on how that code can be used. In short, it doesn't matter if the source is included in the JAR or not. Since Wolfman has not designated a license (that I can find), this source is copyrighted (closed source) by default.

        Chase06:22, 27 November 2013

        Yup its closed source, I didn't realise that Robocode packed source with the robot by default - how do people stop this?

        I'm not too bothered with people looking at the code, I did say I would write some more details on how I did the movement once I had it working better against more complicated guns, but I don't want people just copying my hard work directly line for line!

        Once I've written it up people can re-implement it if they choose but Chase has it pretty much working correctly. I do use gun-waves to keep track of enemy bullet positions, not guess-factors. I'm not sure if it will ever be as effective as true wave surfing but it should work in melee without any alteration as long as I generate waves and bullet positions for all bots not just one target!

          Wolfman (talk)09:10, 27 November 2013

          There should be a checkbox for including the source when you go to package the robot. Gun-waves usually refer to the waves your gun creates for targeting purposes. I think the other is usually just referred to as enemy waves.

          But it is possible to use waves without guess factors, but it makes the process more complicated.

            Chase00:38, 28 November 2013

            too late i secretly put up the open source version of Agent Smith on 2shared

              Tmservo (talk)01:36, 28 November 2013

              There's one rule at the wiki: "Pretty please be polite." Please do.

                Voidious (talk)01:53, 28 November 2013