Hitting Pure Flattened Movement?

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Hitting Pure Flattened Movement?

Has anyone made a targeting system capable of hitting a good sandboxFlattener (Perhaps a top bot with surfing disabled and flattener enabled by default) better than top bots hit strong random movement? This would be a good start for hitting combined surfing and flattening, which is driving hitrates of top guns into the ground ( Below 10, sometimes even 9%).

    Straw (talk)18:48, 13 December 2013

    What makes you think you could predict a curve flattening movement better than a "random" movement? A good curve flattening movement is a lot like random with a forced even distribution, like Java's Math.random(). It should always have a higher entropy than a naive random, I think.

      Voidious (talk)19:03, 13 December 2013