Melee Battle Farm Active (for the next 16 hours)

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Melee Battle Farm Active (for the next 16 hours)

Currently running melee battles for the next 16 hours (until 6:00 AM CST 1/12/2012), unless another project requires diversion. The current rate appears to be about 36 battles per minute (2,195 uploads per minute). This also appears to be the close to the limit that the roborumble server can handle (the upload speeds are just starting to slow at this point), even though only using 30% capacity.

    bwbaugh21:52, 11 January 2012

    How often is the participant list updated for melee battles when ITERATE = TRUE ?

    I added a bot the the melee participant list, waited, but it didn't get picked up. So, I restarted a single client, and thus far I haven't seen the other clients pick it up still.

    Do I have to turn ITERATE off, and instead use a BAT-file loop? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

      bwbaugh22:52, 11 January 2012

      Just needed to wait a little bit longer ... the other clients are picking up the new participant now!

        bwbaugh23:14, 11 January 2012