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Revision as of 29 August 2014 at 15:13.
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Does anyone know why Gilgalad, and many other megabots are now listed under minibots in the rankings page?

    AW (talk)00:43, 28 August 2014

    We discussed it about a month ago and agreement was that this it the bug in 1.9 robocode. I think we still have not reported it to developers.

    I also noticed that the new robocode seems to run multi threaded (at least in 1.9.2). In my opinion this is not a welcome change, since it eats all available cores of my CPU. I used to run rumble, melerumble, and top 30 melee on my machine, but now they fight between each other and consume more than I want to spare for robocode.

      Beaming (talk)03:06, 28 August 2014

      There are a couple different uploaders presently. When some of them upload, it appears the codesize isn't respected. As soon as a couple others do, the big bots get pruned.

        Gralth (talk)17:13, 29 August 2014