Optimization found

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Revision as of 30 July 2015 at 00:40.
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Optimization found

I found a optimization, You can use 65536 + 2*_dimensions instead of 512 * 1024 / 8 + 2*_dimensions.

    Tmservo (talk)01:51, 30 July 2015

    Are you actually joking?

      Voidious (talk)02:33, 30 July 2015

      No I'm not.

        Tmservo (talk)02:35, 30 July 2015

        Two things - actually, three:

        • That code executes once, because it's in the constructor. Clarity >> saving one multiplication and one division calculation during initialization.
        • The Java compiler should optimize this, making it irrelevant anyway - that is, the compiled .class file will be the exact same bytecode.
        • Please spend more time writing bots and less time posting on the wiki. I'm sorry for being blunt. I've never been in this situation, but your posts are mostly inane, to the point that I sometimes wonder if you're the most successful troll I've ever encountered.
          Voidious (talk)02:40, 30 July 2015