4.7 - wow, one more percent to APS

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4.7 - wow, one more percent to APS

Congrats, for pushing already the best melee bot one step further away from the rest of us. I am still digging through 4.6 source code (thanks for opening the code). It is amazing how so powerful bot is done with relatively compact and simple code. I was expecting very large class tree and was shocked to see only 6 relevant files besides libs.

I am thinking that I should through away half of the logic in my code. I am clearly overthinking the problem.

    Beaming (talk)05:31, 4 December 2015

    Yeah I've always found, with this and other machine learning problems, that big ideas and better data help more than all the little bits of tuning which tend to take up the most space. Although the lack of classes is also just my style of coding, I actually find I can hold more of it in my head if I don't devote too much of the bot to structure, even if it is messier. It allows me to focus on algorithm and behaviour, rather than implementation details and constant refactoring.

      Skilgannon (talk)14:12, 4 December 2015

      Yeah, congrats! Might be interesting to see a re-release of 4.6 - its APS could be significantly different if released right now.

        Voidious (talk)20:55, 4 December 2015

        Good call - it might be time to wipe the melee results again. The inter-battle relations really screw things up as the rumble population changes, perhaps I should add some sort of rolling average to it so that the entire database doesn't need to be wiped every time. Maybe just the last 20k battles or something, or the last 20k/participants pairings.

          Skilgannon (talk)22:25, 4 December 2015

          I thought about a year ago we had a restart when we switched the allowed robocode version. Since than, there are only handful of new bots.

          However, if it can drop the score of two of you even a bit, I am all for it :).

          Melee would settle within couple days anyway, so why not to restart. I also presume that 1on1 is not affected by it. We can also upgrade the allowed to upload version to the newest robocode version at the same time. I am afraid it currently stops new comers from contributing their CPU cycles.

            Beaming (talk)03:13, 5 December 2015