apc.Caan 1.0

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Revision as of 14 August 2017 at 21:06.
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apc.Caan 1.0

Has anybody else noticed the strange results of Caan, especially when you look at the KNNPBI scores? https://literumble.appspot.com/BotDetails?game=meleerumble&name=apc.Caan%201.0&order=KNNPBI

It seems like it depends on who executes the battles. If I let Caan fight some melee battles on my computer, it is a relatively strong bot, but in the meleerumble it has 15.40 APS? Maybe it depends on the Java version? Maybe on other computers Caan just doesn't move at all and dies?

I would like to fix this because the rankings are distorted by this issue and a single bot can make a big difference if you are fighting for every APS point ;)

    Cb (talk)22:06, 14 August 2017