lxx.Tomcat 3.55 vs cs.ags.Scarlet 1.1c

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lxx.Tomcat 3.55 vs cs.ags.Scarlet 1.1c

The duels between lxx.Tomcat 3.55 and cs.ags.Scarlet 1.1c are throwing OutOfMemoryErrors and crashing my clients.

I´m using the standard -Xmx512m parameter in a 64-bit Hotspot JVM (Oracle/Sun).

    MN13:50, 24 February 2012

    It's strange - i have no problems in same environment: java version "1.7.0" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)

    Can you do some more investigations (Tomcat vs Druss & Scarlet vs Druss etc. and see in which battles memory usage will higher) to detect which robot is eats memory and, if it's Tomcat. i will try to fix it

      Jdev03:35, 25 February 2012

      Scarlet uses lots of memory. The longer the battle the more memory used. So battles against top bots will use the most.

        Skilgannon06:53, 25 February 2012