Tradeoff between Survical and APS

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Tradeoff between Survical and APS

Sorry to hear that the recent experiment on bullet power does not improve performance. Anyway, my research gives me similar result — it seems that, when you are in significant disadvantage, the best chioce is to bet on bullet damage, which also prevents opponent from scoring as well. But when you are in little advantage — the best choice is to keep that.

This strategy feels the same as stock, where percentage energy is analog to market value. When the market value drops, it indicates the company has something wrong, then you’d better sell the stock (fire relatively high power bullets). While when the market value increases, the company is good now and may continuing increase, then you’d better keep it (fire reltively low power bullets). Note that high and low here is compared to the opponent.

    Xor (talk)02:54, 3 October 2017