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Revision as of 8 October 2017 at 21:01.
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It's been a while since we have updated the rumble client version, and the new version brings several important fixes. I'd really appreciate if someone set up a quick benchmark for a battle or two for each bot in the rumble, and then run it on old and new versions to make sure we don't have any regressions. Once this is done we can upgrade the client =)

    Skilgannon (talk)21:10, 8 October 2017

    As far as I know, Robocode hasn't been officially released yet. The website and GitHub still name as the latest version, and there is no download. You can only get it by building from the latest git master. What I linked to was a draft of the new changelog.

    I don't think any new releases will be made until poor Fnl finishes dealing with all of the bugs reports I piled onto him...

    So currently, it is still in development, and it's a bit too early to do regression testing with this new version.

    What does need testing, however, is Robocode on Java 9. We already found CPU constant calculation and team JARs to be broken there, and doubtlessly there are more issues.

      MultiplyByZer0 (talk)23:01, 8 October 2017