Slow Debug Graphics

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Slow Debug Graphics

I sometimes open other robots' debug graphics just to see how they work, if I have some wrong calculations or just for fun but robots such as Knight, SleepSiphon and DrussGT have really really slow graphics on my computer even if it doesn't seem like they draw too much. Is it a problem with my robocode settings(I both tried with DEFAULT and SPEED) or is it just the bots which draw really slow.

    Dsekercioglu (talk)12:40, 24 July 2018

    I’m working on a robocode version that uses hardware acceleration for graphics. Otherwise painting is calculated by CPU and is expected to be slow. Anyway, both DrussGT and Knight runs smoothly on my machine. I just can’t turn on anti-smooth which takes forever to render one tick.

      Xor (talk)18:58, 24 July 2018

      Mine is setup for speed version and I tried single, double and triple buffering and I am pretty sure that my machine is not the slowest one(3.1 Ghz CPU but yours is probably a lot faster). It is probably because of the text they are rendering.

        Dsekercioglu (talk)19:10, 24 July 2018

        I have a really poor machine and they still run smoothly here. Things get laggy only when in melee.

          Rsalesc (talk)04:11, 25 July 2018