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Revision as of 23 April 2012 at 17:43.
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Hi. Has somebody an idear how to make this smaller. I need the max bearing difference between all enemys. My gut feeling says it should be easier, but i can't see it.

	private void calcBearingDiff()
		if (myScans.isEmpty()) return;
		Comparator<ATarget> compi = new Comparator<ATarget>() 
			public int compare(ATarget a, ATarget b) 
				double eAbsBearA = a.getBearing() + myRobot.getHeadingRadians();
				double eAbsBearB = b.getBearing() + myRobot.getHeadingRadians();
				return, eAbsBearB);
		ArrayList<ATarget> enemys = new ArrayList<ATarget>(myScans.values());
		Collections.sort(enemys, compi);
		ATarget last = null;
		for (ATarget target : enemys) 
			if (last != null) 
				double eAbsBearingA = last.getBearing() + myRobot.getHeadingRadians();
				double eAbsBearingB = target.getBearing() + myRobot.getHeadingRadians();
				double diff = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(eAbsBearingA - eAbsBearingB);	

	                        // .... sort out the max
			last = target;
    Wompi12:06, 21 April 2012

    Ah .. i'm looking for a different approach to the problem and not to make the code smaler.

      Wompi12:19, 21 April 2012

      Could make ATarget comparable

        Chase-san19:30, 21 April 2012

        Thanks Chase. ATarget is a comparable but for other stuff. What i was looking for was something around another data structur. The above code snippet is way to much code for my taste. I thougth about to register the next ATarget on every ATarget and then simple ask the difference but it didn't work very well because i had to reorder the references to much. I'm looking for something that can handle ... update ATarget ... sort out the closest (bearing) ATarget ... and give the difference back ... I think i have to find a appropriate List/Tree structure for this.

          Wompi14:48, 23 April 2012

          Hmmm... what are you trying to use this for? I don't think I quite understood the question. Are you trying to get the biggest angle between any two in consecutive radial order? Or the one which is the closest to 180 degrees from it?

            Skilgannon17:46, 23 April 2012


            Maybe this picture can explain what i need. As you can see the white lines are the absBearing to every enemy and the transparent white area is the area from the two enemys who have the widest bearing to each other. I need this for my radar and my movement.

              Wompi19:43, 23 April 2012