Nominations 2018-10-08

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Nominations 2018-10-08

After almost a year, we have new entrances

{'aaa.ScalarBot 0.012n2.9.14b',
 'aaa.n.ScalarN 0.011d.149',
 'dsekercioglu.mega.WhiteFang 2.5.0',
 'jk.mega.DrussGT 3.1.6',
 'jk.melee.Neuromancer 7.3'}

and also some bots disappearing

{'aaa.ScalarBot 0.012n2.8.14c',
 'cs.Mint 0.16',
 'gh.GresSuffurd 0.3.25',
 'jk.mega.DrussGT 3.1.4',
 'jk.melee.Neuromancer 7.0'}

I'll update the list accordingly and run the client then.

Btw I have a script to calculate the list difference, and may have an automated one latter, and then we may set up some daily task to update the list whenever the ranking is stable.

import json
from pprint import pprint

with open('giga.json') as f: #
  old = json.load(f)

with open('giga_new.json') as f: #
  new = json.load(f)

olds = set(a['name'] for a in old)
news = set(a['name'] for a in new)

pprint(news - olds)
pprint(olds - news)

however this script cannot process tie broken rule automatically yet.

    Xor (talk)10:48, 8 October 2018

    Snif, I disappear from GigaRumble . . . and one day later I am on par again with Midboss. Oh well, see it as a kick in the ass to do something about it.

      GrubbmGait (talk)13:10, 9 October 2018