Weird rumble scores

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Weird rumble scores

I've noticed that BeepBoop has been dropping in APS in the rumble lately. 0.14 should be a bit stronger than 0.13 and gets around 91.5 APS when I run a season against all rumble participants myself, but in the rumble it's at 91.2 APS and is quite a bit worse than 0.13. Does anyone have ideas about what could be causing the difference? The drop seems consistent rather than against a few problem bots, so the only thing I can think of is that it's skipping turns on some rumble clients but not when I run it myself.

    --Kev (talk)18:33, 24 June 2021

    I’m experiencing similar thing. Score is constantly dropping as more battles come.

    But is’s not hard to explain.

    1. For bots you get 100%, when getting more battles, it’s either changing to 100% or less than 100%, and the more battles the higher probability it gets less than 100%, so score can only decrease as more battles come.

    2. For bots saving data, it’s only getting better the more data they have.

    Since this affected a lot of bots, affecting 0.1~0.2 APS is quite common.

    Worth mention that 1 APS decrease in 10 bots is enough to give you -0.1 APS.

    Btw, 1 season is generally not enough to get stable results. For reliable result, 50000 or even 100000 battles are needed. Anyway comparing after ~30000 battles is generally acceptable.

      Xor (talk)19:00, 24 June 2021