Weird rumble scores

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Weird rumble scores

I've noticed that BeepBoop has been dropping in APS in the rumble lately. 0.14 should be a bit stronger than 0.13 and gets around 91.5 APS when I run a season against all rumble participants myself, but in the rumble it's at 91.2 APS and is quite a bit worse than 0.13. Does anyone have ideas about what could be causing the difference? The drop seems consistent rather than against a few problem bots, so the only thing I can think of is that it's skipping turns on some rumble clients but not when I run it myself.

    --Kev (talk)18:33, 24 June 2021

    I’m experiencing similar thing. Score is constantly dropping as more battles come.

    But is’s not hard to explain.

    1. For bots you get 100%, when getting more battles, it’s either changing to 100% or less than 100%, and the more battles the higher probability it gets less than 100%, so score can only decrease as more battles come.

    2. For bots saving data, it’s only getting better the more data they have.

    Since this affected a lot of bots, affecting 0.1~0.2 APS is quite common.

    Worth mention that 1 APS decrease in 10 bots is enough to give you -0.1 APS.

    Btw, 1 season is generally not enough to get stable results. For reliable result, 50000 or even 100000 battles are needed. Anyway comparing after ~30000 battles is generally acceptable.

      Xor (talk)19:00, 24 June 2021

      I have noticed some weird outlier scores myself, and I don't think it's just those factors Xor.

      The two battles of ags.Glacier 0.3.0 versus lxx.Emerald 0.6.5 that ran had an average APS of 26.04 for Glacier, yet when I ran those two bots manually on the same computer I had a rumble client on, I couldn't reproduce anything remotely that close to a score that low for Glacier, it was consistently >60 no matter how many times I ran it, usually >70. That's a massive discrepancy really, even with so few data points.

      At the time the only rumble client besides my own on the same computer I couldn't reproduce an issue on, was "Xor_Sily". There's a chance it was just getting massively unlucky, but I'm rather curious what the result of manually running some ags.Glacier 0.3.0 versus lxx.Emerald 0.6.5 battles on the Xor_Sily computer would be.

        Rednaxela (talk)19:35, 24 June 2021

        If you are recording data, I can send you the files.

        Anyway I’ve been long suffering outliner results, back to the days when optimizing SimpleBot. Score drop is huge after more battles sometimes (and Beaming is running rumble as well that days), and is yes not reproduceable.

        And that’s why Scalar series is called “scalar”. Because I’ve been optimizing performance exclusively since then, mainly leaveraging Scalar Replacement to reduce GC overhead. And nowadays I’m suffering from outliner scores much less.

        So yes, sometimes there is some outliner score. And the fact is either about some bugs, or GC overhead being too much (resulting a lot of skipped turns)

          Xor (talk)20:15, 24 June 2021