Congratulations on first place!

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Congratulations on first place!

After more than 10 years DrussGT has been dethroned as the top 1-vs-1 bot! I guess you could have done this any time over the last year by combining ScalarR and ShieldR, but breaking 92 APS is an amazing score and really shows how far bots have come since DrussGT!

    --Kev (talk)16:48, 28 June 2021

    Thanks for noticing! I think BeepBoop has more potential, since it’s doing better against a lot of tough bots, and losing some APS against some weak bots (some times BeepBoop knows the shot but still get hit, weird).

    Anyway I was looking for some real improvements before making the combination, and Bullet Shadow/Correct does work pretty well! I would say without DrussGT/Understanding DrussGT and BeepBoop/Understanding BeepBoop I would never imagined that it’s possible to break 92 APS.

    I’m also planning some complete code cleaning & sharing even more details (most have been forgotten given the age). And possibly write some tutorials as well!

      Xor (talk)17:01, 28 June 2021

      That would be fantastic, I'm looking forward to hearing more about it! I'll have to look into BeepBoop losing some points to weak bots.

        --Kev (talk)03:36, 29 June 2021

        Congrats! Nicely done!

          Rednaxela (talk)18:21, 28 June 2021

          I guess there was a bug in your initial bullet shielding, it's now up to 93 APS! Wow, bullet shielding helps a lot.

            --Kev (talk)18:54, 29 June 2021