jeremyreeder.collective.DuoLedByDroid 1.0 and gh.twin.GrauwuarG 0.41

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jeremyreeder.collective.DuoLedByDroid 1.0 and gh.twin.GrauwuarG 0.41

Something isn't working with this two teams. If you look at the scores DuoLedByDroid is allways winning with 100|100. For DuoLedByDroid i get "Can't find robot: jeremyreeder.collective.BlindMan*" all the time so it fights only with one bot. Probably the reason why it has such a bad score. My guess is that GrauwuarG is looking for two bots and if he can't find the bots he gets somehow stucked. If i try it manually with the latest robocode client it loads both teams and nothing is wrong.

    Wompi01:00, 12 May 2012

    Hmm, it sounds to me like this is the problem bug tracker id 3468437

    It seems that the version of Robocode that packaged DuoLedByDroid had a funny bug. The easiest fix (besides removing it from the rumble) would be re-packaging the robot with a newer version of Robocode, or manually tweaking the .jar to remove the * from the robot name.

      Rednaxela04:53, 12 May 2012

      If we repackage the team, do we need another hosting place? I agree to save the team somehow, because the twinRumble has quite a few participants. Maybe, if we do it, we should change the version number to, so the score will new generated for this team.

        Wompi10:37, 12 May 2012