Inconsistent APS with LiteRumble

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Inconsistent APS with LiteRumble

Quoted from APS:

The server calculates APS for each bot by:

  1. taking the average percentage score of all battles against each opponent separately to get an APS for each pairing,
  2. then averaging all pairing scores to obtain the final average.

Formally, it's

mean(challenger_score / total_score)

for each pairing.

LiteRumble seems to follow this algorithm.

However, RoboRunner is using:

sum(challenger_score) / sum(total_score)

instead for each pairing.

This causes scores calculated by RoboRunner to be different from LiteRumble.

    Xor (talk)08:28, 22 December 2022

    Here is a Python script that calculates APS correctly. Use this script when you want to align with LiteRumble.

    import os
    import gzip
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    from statistics import mean
    from collections import defaultdict
    roborunner_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/roborunner')  # replace with your roborunner directory
    def get_aps_dict(bot):
      scores = ET.parse('{roborunner_dir}/data/{bot}.xml.gz', 'r')).getroot()
      aps_raw = defaultdict(list)
      for bot_list in scores:
        for battle in bot_list:
          battle_scores = {}
          total_score = 0
          for robot_score in battle.findall('robot_score'):
            name = robot_score.find('name').text
            score = int(robot_score.find('score').text)
            battle_scores[name] = score
            total_score += score
          aps = 100 * battle_scores[bot] / total_score
          for name, _ in battle_scores.items():
            if name != bot:
      return dict((name, mean(aps)) for name, aps in aps_raw.items())
      Xor (talk)09:49, 22 December 2022
      Edited by author.
      Last edit: 10:21, 6 April 2024

      Update: The APS fix is now included in the newest release of my fork. A PR is also made to Voidious’s version.

        Xor (talk)10:52, 22 January 2023

        Did this fix also apply to melee score calculation? I've been having difficulty getting my offline results with roborunner to align with literumble for the nano melee rumble.

          D414 (talk)10:06, 6 April 2024

          Yes, the definition of APS applies to all of the rumbles.

            Xor (talk)10:20, 6 April 2024