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This is impossible. I've watched that bot in awe for years.

    Tkiesel17:14, 16 May 2012

    Have you tried running it locally? Those results don't look suspicious to me, especially from 2 different clients. And assuming they're legit, congrats. :-)

      Voidious17:16, 16 May 2012

      I've yet to try it locally here but that doesn't look so impossible to me. In particular, I'd note that Aristocles' movement you're currently using is a "flat profile" type movement, so you would tend to expect it to score well against high-rank bots compared to where it's own rank is. If the results are accurate, congrats indeed :)

        Rednaxela17:45, 16 May 2012

        Oh, and I'd note that further evidence you have some rather nice targeting on there, is that DeBroglie scores around 50% against PolishedRuby, which is a mirror movement bot with my RougeDC targeting. RougeDC and Scarlet score around 56% against PolishedRuby, so this would certainly imply that against a "flat movement" like Aristocles, your targeting isn't too far behind RougeDC/Scarlet... Looks to me like your targeting is on the right track ;)

        Oh, and testing locally once this was the result:

        Rank Robot Name Total Score Survival Surv Bonus Bullet Dmg Bullet Bonus Ram Dmg * 2 Ram Bonus 1sts 2nds 3rds
        1st pez.rumble.CassiusClay 2rho.02no 2677 (50%) 950 190 1360 177 0 0 19 16 0
        2nd tjk.deBroglie rev0025 2654 (50%) 800 160 1514 180 0 0 16 19 0
          Rednaxela17:51, 16 May 2012

          Thanks for the notes!

          It's been a real help developing targeting off of a known movement. I compare DeBroglie to Aristocles as a guide for how my gun stacks up. Any variation is due to the difference in guns. Presumably the difference in the radar handling is miniscule at best, after all. Comparing PBI between the two bots has been very instructive!

          I've just about finished the main work on targeting.. the point where I stop adding features and just tweak/debug.

          It's been so useful to develop this way that I've been tempted to make a DeBroglie-M with my movement and Aristocles' gun so that I can debug movement issues in a similar way... and finally combine my movement and gun when I think they're both in a workable state.

            Tkiesel18:14, 16 May 2012

            I know many of the bots have a base class which calls the movement and gun separately - Diamond is the first that springs to mind, although I think it was actually CassiusClay which pioneered this structure.

            And just a note, Aristocles doesn't use waves in the movement, only in the gun. The simplest wavesurfing movement would be that of BasicSurfer, although to get something reasonable you probably need to go with something like Voidious's Komarious or my CunobelinDC.

              Skilgannon18:59, 16 May 2012

              I actually think you're better off just freezing your gun changes at that point to compare the movement to your last version with Aristocles movement. There could be cases where tuning to Aristocles' gun would not be the same as tuning to your own gun. As long as you're comparing to a fixed gun, changes can be attributed to the movement. Just my 2 cents. :-)

                Voidious18:59, 16 May 2012