User talk:Frolicking Zombie

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Mathematics RoboCode Java Explanation

<math>\text{targetError} = (\text{currentTime} - \text{lastScanTime} + 1)\times 8 + 18</math>

double targetError = (currentTime - targetLastScan + 1) * 8 + 18;

Calculate the maximum distance the enemy can possibly move according to the physics.

<math>\text{targetDistance} = \sqrt{(\text{targetX} - \text{myX})^2+(\text{targetY}-\text{myY})^2}</math>

double targetDistance = Math.sqrt(
  (targetX - myX) * (targetX - myX) + (targetY - myY) * (targetY - myY)

Standard Euclidean distance formula for our distance to target.

<math>\angle\text{targetHeading} = \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{\text{targetY}-\text{myY}}{\text{targetX}-\text{myX}}\right)</math>

double targetHeading = Math.atan2(targetX - myX, targetY - myY);

Robocode trigonometry has <math>\tan \theta = \frac{\cos \theta}{\sin \theta}</math>

<math>\text{x = }\pm \frac{1}{2} \sqrt{4 \text{targetError}^2-\frac{\text{targetError}^4}{\text{targetDistance}^2}}</math>

<math>\text{y = }\frac{2 \text{targetDistance}^2-\text{targetError}^2}{2 \text{targetDistance}}</math>

double x = Math.sqrt(
  targetError * targetError - (targetError * targetError * targetError * targetError)
  / (targetDistance * targetDistance)) / 2;
double y = (2 * targetDistance * targetDistance - targetError * targetError)
  / (2 * targetDistance);

The maximum angle that the enemy could have traveled is the intersection of the targetError and targetDistance circles.

<math>\angle\theta\text{ = }\tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)</math>

double theta = Math.atan2(y,x);

Calculate the maximum bearing that the enemy could have traveled.

<math>\angle\text{cwBoundHeading} = \angle\text{targetHeading}+\angle\theta</math>
<math>\angle\text{ccwBoundHeading} = \angle\text{targetHeading}-\angle\theta</math>


Hey there! Wanna tell us what you're doing? Looks pretty interesting. =) « AaronR « Talk « 14:04, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

Looks really interesting... Do tell =) » Nat | Talk » 14:59, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

Hmm... looks like it's calculating some upper/lower bounds on the angle that an enemy bot could be at, in a melee environment where scans are infrequent --Rednaxela 16:20, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

Just working on this article over here before I move it. It's a minimal cost radar with some features for melee.