
From Robowiki
Revision as of 18:50, 6 September 2009 by Positive (talk | contribs) (Updated)
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Youtube has a video of Portia in action: click here to watch

Version History
Author(s) Positive
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Semi-Circular, GuessFactor, Dynamic Clustering
Movement Minimum Risk, Stop And Go, Random
Released July 2009
Current Version 1.21a
Code License closed

Background Information

What's special about it?
Portia is my first robot, and I'm very proud of it. :)
How competitive is it?
In melee it's quite competitive. Highest ever in melee was 2nd place (under Shadow), and at time of writing 3rd place.

Melee strategy

How does it move?
For each opponent, if Portia detects an enemy energy drop, linear and/or headon shots are simulated from the guessed enemy fire turn and position. Portia tries to avoid simulated shots, and also tries to never be the closest opponent to any enemy. Portia remembers the enemy energy drops, and correlates hits to itself to them.
How does it fire?
Portia has different methods, which are marked by color (if you turn on Paint)
How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?
It mainly selects the closest opponent, but it tries not to switch targets too much. If it's near a corner it highly prefers opponents near the same corner.
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Between rounds, it saves general linear-targeting info. If an opponent only seems to be shooting with Head-On Targeting like HawkOnFire, it remembers that between matches.

One-on-one strategy

How does it move in One-on-one?
Until the end game, it first tries to use Stop And Go-like movement, and if the opponent seems to catch on it switches to Random Movement. At the end game, it will try to get very close to the opponent to give the final blow. :)
How does it fire?
It uses a very fast decaying patternmatching-like gun.
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Between rounds it saves targeting info if the match started with only one opponent. Otherwise it saves nothing. It saves nothing between matches.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?
"Portia" is the name of a spider I'm somewhat fascinated with. The spider is extremely intelligent (considering its size & that it's a spider): it can hunt using a plethora of methods, and attacks and defends itself strategically. I thought that name was a great fit. :) You can read more about the spider on Wikipedia.
Can I use your code?
At the moment I'm keeping it closed source. Turn on paint to get an idea what it's thinking though. :)
What's next for your robot?
  • I'm thinking that, when it's down to 1 on 1, Portia could preform a lot better. The thing is that conventional "slow-learning" methods aren't very good when you're not facing the same opponent much. I'm brewing some ideas, but any tips are welcome. :)
  • After Voidious' success with it (!), maybe some modifications in bullet-power-selection. Currently the bullet power of the DC-gun is only based on the energy and distance of the opponent.
  • Better guessing of who's firing at Portia in melee.
  • Lobbying to get the army to develop a real tank that uses Portia's code.
  • Anything interesting I hear or find out about. :)
Does it have any White Whales?
Diamond and Shadow in melee.
What it's based on
As of version 1.17, Portia uses Rednaxelas kD-tree.
Furthermore, I would like to give some credits for usefull information and tools: