Talk:Historical Velocity Recall
Majorly revised this article
That old page / code example was a bit long for what a simple idea this was, so I made a much simpler page / example and abstracted out the linear targeting part. --Voidious 04:15, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
- Um... is this page supposed to be called Historical Velocity Recall, not Historical Velocity Recal? --
04:39, 21 November 2007 (UTC)- Oh, maybe that's it! I was asking the exact same question - what the heck could "Recal" be? Was even talking about it out loud to someone. Yeah, let's rename it... --Voidious 05:08, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
From old wiki's Historical Velocity Recal page
This is a method of targeting I'm developing for BlueMind.
This method basicaly uses CircularTargeting, but instead of using the current enemy's velocity, you keep a log of all of its recorded velocities: and shooting at the "highest" point in the graph.
This is achieved throught the use of a vector and array pair.
static Vector velocityMap;
double[] vArray = new double[321];
Velocity enemyV = new Velocity(e.getVelocity());
for(int flush=0;flush<321;flush++){
Velocity temp = new Velocity(0);
double temp2=0;
for(int index=0; index < velocityMap.size(); index++){
temp = (Velocity)velocityMap.get(index);
temp2 = (temp.v+8)*20;
Count target = new Count();
for(int scan=0; scan < 321; scan++){
target.value = (scan/20)-8;
double power = (2200/Math.pow(e.getDistance(),1.15));
power = getEnergy()-.1;
double dist = e.getDistance();
double playerX = getX();
double playerY = getY();
double bearing = (Math.toRadians(getHeading())+e.getBearingRadians())%(2*Math.PI);
double enemyX = playerX + (dist * Math.sin(bearing));
double enemyY = playerY + (dist * Math.cos(bearing));
double bulletV = 20 - 3 * power;
double enemyH = e.getHeadingRadians();
enemyH += (enemyH-lastH)/(getTime()-lastScanT);
double gunH = getGunHeading();
double predictD = e.getDistance();
double predictX = enemyX;
double predictY = enemyY;
double rawV = target.value;
double theta = 0;
double time2 = 0;
double t=0;
double timeTheta = 0;
double time0=dist/bulletV;
int deltaT = 0;
int others = getOthers();
double lastDiff=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
t = time0 + deltaT;
predictX = enemyX+((rawV*t)*Math.sin(enemyH));
predictY = enemyY+((rawV*t)*Math.cos(enemyH));
if (predictX < 20){
predictX = 20;
}else if(predictX > battleFieldWidth-20){
predictX = battleFieldWidth-20;
if (predictY < 20){
predictY = 20;
}else if(predictY > battleFieldHeight-20){
predictY = battleFieldHeight-20;
predictD = Point2D.Double.distance(playerX,playerY,predictX,predictY);
timeTheta = Utils.absoluteBearing(playerX, playerY, predictX, predictY);
timeTheta = Utils.normalizeBearing(timeTheta - gunH);
time2 = (predictD / bulletV) + (timeTheta / 20);
if(Math.abs(t-time2) <= lastDiff){
theta = Utils.absoluteBearing(playerX, playerY, predictX, predictY);
theta = Utils.normalizeBearing(theta-gunH);
lastDiff = Math.abs(t-time2);
lastH = enemyH;
lastScanT = getTime();
This sounds very similar to the aiming method that Stampede 1.3.3 currently uses (except it has both a linear and a circular version in a VG array). I have not been able to improve it much further than the gun currently in the RR; however that is probably due to my sloppy implementation rather than a weakness in the concept. I'm curious to see how you fare with this. --wcsv