This is Krabby's version history:
V. 1.0: 05.11.05: Ranked on Place 250 at RoboRumble
- Uses 4 Virtual Guns.
- simple Movement, which has a lot of Bugs.
- Circular Targeting does not work.
- An Bug in the firepower calculation, so that it only fires bullets with Power 3.
V. 1.1: 05.16.05: Ranked on Place 124 at RoboRumble with a rating of 1659
- Uses 5 Virtual Guns.
- 2 new movements, which are alike.
- Circular Targeting is now fixed.
- New RandomTargeting
V. 1.11: Ranked on Place 154 at RoboRumble with a rating of 1619 (5.19.05)
- fixed some Bugs
- new bad EnergyManagement
V. 1.12:
- fixed more Bugs
- the old EnergyManagement is restored
- little movement improvements
- RandomTargeting is improved
- no ranking improvements
V. 1.13:
- is a test version
- stores information between battles
V. 1.14 and V. 1.14b: on place 131 with 1644.75
- test versions, now with data
- version b has more data
V. 1.15:
- another test version
- realy buggy
- on place 999999 with rating=0
V. 1.15b:
- it´s like version 1.12
- stores no data between rounds
V. 1.16: rank:145 raiting: 1633.69
- changed targeting method selection
V. 1.17: rank:149 raiting: 1628.18 date: 30.05.2005
- changed targeting method selection
- fixed a wave collision bug
- new random movement
V. 1.17b: rank:163 raiting: 1615.09 date: 01.06.2005
- changed movement selection
V. 1.17c: rank:137raiting: 1637.99 date: 02.06.2005
- changed movement selection again
- replaced old movement
- added new movement
V. 1.18: rank:105 raiting: 1691.29 date: 05.06.2005
- one more time a new movement
V. 1.18b/c: rank:98 raiting: 1699.75 date: 05.06.2005
- removed one movement for testing
V. 1.19: rank:146 raiting: 1636.01 upload-date: 27.06.2005 ranking-date 11.08.2005
- little movement changes
v. 1.20:(not released)
- completely new movement
(The movement is good versus top bots but bad versus the other ones. I am bored with movements now...)
V. 1.21: rank: 143 raiting: 1664.49 date: 11.08.2005 (ranking date 26.1.06)
- restored old movement one more time :)