Virtual bullet doesn't line up with real bullets

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Main Page
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He means something like: Point2D.Double myNextLocation = project(myLocation,getVelocity(),getHeadingRadians()); Point2D.Double enemyNextLocation = project(enemyLocation,e.getVelocity(),e.getHeadingRadians()); double nextAbsBearing = absoluteBearing(myNextLocation,enemyNextLocation);

I've tried this, and using it to predict the enemy location didn't help me, although it did help for my own location. I think it depends on the way you define wave hits and starting locations in your gun. In DrussGT I wait until my gun-turn remaining at the beginning of the tick is 0, then fire. I put my bullet on the wave from last tick. As long as you make the same assumptions everywhere it should be ok.

Skilgannon07:21, 5 October 2011