New PL king

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New PL king

I noticed only now. Diamond took the PL throne away from DrussGT.

MN23:33, 29 October 2011

Thanks :-) I'm very pleased with my PL improvements, but the truth is I still get 49.3% vs DrussGT over 1000 battles and Tomcat has been kicking my butt a lot lately. So it's still very much a crown in dispute, but I'll keep working on it. =)

Voidious23:44, 29 October 2011

Tomcat actually had the highest PL for about a day or two. It's a very close running.

Skotty00:51, 30 October 2011

Pretty sure I've got it now. =) (Well, for now.) I'm running 1000 seasons vs Shadow, DrussGT, and Tomcat to be sure. After ~250, the lowest score was over 51% (Tomcat). I'll post results soon.

Of course, it's after a change to improve APS that I get the PL boost I was looking for. :-P

Voidious18:18, 22 November 2011

Hey, remove Tomcat from yours testbed - it's just little sweet kitty!:)
Enough to hurt my defenseless kitty!:) He even can not do multiply wave surfing right:)

Jdev07:59, 23 November 2011

Pairs won: 100%. It's beautiful.

PEZ20:37, 22 November 2011

Very nice. Good job, now just take the crown.

Chase-san20:44, 22 November 2011

Very nice there! Note to self: Better throw some of my new top-secret bulletpower research into Scarlet, to attempt make it more challenging for folks to get 100% in PL ;)

Rednaxela22:00, 22 November 2011

Some Diamond 1.6.17 scores over 500 battles:

Voidious01:54, 23 November 2011