A 1% gain in APS just like that?

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A 1% gain in APS just like that?

PEZ15:27, 3 November 2011

Wow. Did you increase or decrease it? If the only change was disabling your VG, I find d vs e even more remarkable...

Voidious16:11, 3 November 2011

Tbh, when I disabled the VG I was stupid and also added rolling to the main (and now only) gun. I also set the depth param for Paul's rollingAverage function to below 0.7. The next version had the param set to 10. And the one I just uploaded has it set to 50.

PEZ16:34, 3 November 2011

And now I can't read the thread to check out the link you provided...

PEZ16:37, 3 November 2011

Ha! Tricked it. Yes, it wasn't a clean test. I'm trying to test if I can throw the VG out completely.

PEZ16:47, 3 November 2011

Darkcanuck's NN guns are VG-less. I think he basically sums the output of two different networks (if Gaff/Targeting is still accurate).

Sorry you're having trouble with the LiquidThreads. I've hit problems here and there, but rarely. Maybe I'll check for MediaWiki/LiquidThreads version updates and hope for some bug fixes.

Voidious17:04, 3 November 2011

That's what I'm going for too. CrowdBee =)

PEZ19:24, 3 November 2011