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"Fix my x.x5 exploit" - You mean where you round bullet powers to x.x5? I actually tried this recently in tests and didn't see any improvement. I figure bots where this exploit is working are being crushed enough that I'm staying at high energy and using my default all the time. And even if they are occasionally seeing hit waves when I change bullet power, it may not be enough to affect scores.

Actually, I saw a tiny improvement with one bullet power formula, and a tiny decrease in another, so I think it was just an effect of slightly increasing bullet powers to get up to x.x5. Do you always round up like I did? I figured it would be dumb if I calculated the exact right amount of energy to kill my opponent, then rounded down. ;)

Voidious18:12, 31 July 2012

I actually found not all x.x5 powers work at exploiting the bug - some of them get the same results for the rounding on both sides of the comparison. So I made an array of the ones that exploit the bug and choose the closest value.

I also removed all of the values between 1.95 and 2.95, because if I was using 2.95 in the first place (ie. hitrate > 33%) it means it was advantageous to shoot with high power against them anyways.

But maybe I should have something like 'round up if this shot will kill them'. I hadn't even considered that, and yeah, rounding down would be kind of stupid, even if it wouldn't leave them with much energy.

Skilgannon18:31, 31 July 2012

Lol, that is so hardcore. I'm not sure I can bring myself to muddy up my bullet power selection with all of that, but that is pretty awesome. =)

Voidious18:36, 31 July 2012