Melee Gun Thrashing

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Neuromancer
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Uhh mate stop confusing me :) .. i thought i figured it out and would never think about it ever again :)

The way you describe it was how i was understanding it.

1.9: gun heat has to be zero
calculate angle
check angle (if you check here against zero it almost never shoots, but with 40/distance it will shoot)
next turn: bullet is on its way

2.0: gun heat has to be zero
check angle (zero)
calculate angle
next turn: bullet is on its way

So both versions are the same, they shoot one tick after the gun heat is zero. But 1.9 has the advantage of shooting in cases where the gun is almost pointed to the target where 2.0 has to wait one more turn. If both versions are already pointed to the target then there is no difference. Thats how i understand it and therefor it looks to me that the first one shoots more often and the second one is more precise. Am i wrong with this? Man this stuff really confuses me :)

Wompi19:00, 3 September 2012