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It is a relatively minor issue. But it is driving me crazy.

I think the page would be better served with at least some minor CSS. Here I have some CSS-1 only. All browsers (except text based ones) implement it exactly the same. If you set cellspacing="1" on the table html, it should look very similar (viusally) to the

body {
	font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
table {
	border: 0px;
	background-color: #D3D3D3; /* LightGrey */
table th {
	background-color: #EEEEEE;
table th a {
	color: black !important; /* !important, this keeps it from having odd colors on visited links */
	text-decoration: none;
table td, table th {
	padding: 2px 4px;
	border: 0px;
table th {
	padding-right: 1em;
tr.odd {
	background-color: #F8F8F8;
tr.even {
	background-color: #FFFFFF; /* White */
Chase-san23:31, 24 October 2012

I don't really have time for editing this right now, but if you fork and edit I'm happy to merge your pull request =) The latest code is up: https://bitbucket.org/jkflying/literumble/overview I apologise in advance for my terrible coding style, this was a "learn python and Google AppEngine" project for me. If I was starting from scratch I would have made several changes in the structure and how much was abstracted, but this grew slowly and is very hackish inside.

Skilgannon15:34, 25 October 2012

Pull request sent.

Chase-san18:14, 27 October 2012

Cool, thanks. I've merged it in and uploaded. I had to fix a few small bugs - html_header should be structures.html_header, and I needed to add style.css to app.yaml but otherwise perfect. Thanks, and the changes are now live =)

Skilgannon19:21, 27 October 2012

Ahh okay, I have never done python before, so I was just guessing mostly on everything was suppose to go. I know only the basics of how it is 'suppose' to work. That and google. I used google a lot.

Chase-san03:41, 28 October 2012

Actually there is another bug which is completely my fault. Can't sort compare by APS or Survival since I renamed the columns to be APS (A) and so forth, where it expects A APS.

Also reading your logs you fixed a bit more then that, I tried to fix most the html problems. But since I couldn't really test, I was fixing it blind.

Chase-san03:53, 28 October 2012


Skilgannon09:31, 28 October 2012

It looks much better now. To me anyway.

Chase-san06:47, 29 October 2012

Although I'm not sure why it needs to be CSS instead of plain HTML. It's not like the HTML adds much code size overhead, and surely it prevents the browser from having to look up all of the cell values each time. bgcolor=F8F8F8 vs class="even" isn't much different, and these pages are completely dynamic so it's not like having an abstracted reference makes it any easier to maintain. If it can be done without CSS I'd prefer it that way.

Skilgannon15:54, 25 October 2012

Almost all the old html formatting tags and attributes have been deprecated since 1999 (I think <b> and <em> were still valid).

You could go and edit your code/html if you wanted to alter the appearance. But it is very likely it is easier to edit a CSS file, even if your html is dynamically generated.

I'll see about forking and editing it.

Chase-san16:05, 27 October 2012