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Seraphim, the robotic angel
Author(s) Chase-san
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting GuessFactorTargeting
Movement WaveSurfing
Released December 8, 2006
Best Rating 1981.1 (25th)
Current Rating 1971.08
Current Version v0.052 (v0.071)
Code License Proprietary
RWPCL (v0.071)


The very first release version of Seraphim was finished on December 8, 2006 at 7:03pm. Coinsidentally, this was version 0.002. It used a very elongated class structure and was highly inefficient. It creates its different gun and surfing buffers in seperate files as Dookious did at the time, however as no actual code, only ideas we're used from Dookious its license was Proprietary.


Seraphim uses a guessfactor targeting system, based on the use of visit count stats, more formally known as a Tradition Guessfactor Gun. It uses 5 different sets of buffers, each with increasing number of segments and buffer importance (also known as its weight).


The movement is fairly complex and is actually fairly decent when compaired to robots of simular rank, the caveeats is that the movement has a few bugs which cause it to fail outright causing the robot to move incorrectly. The movement has been applied to a recent robot called Prototype which was a experimental neural targeting gun.


Originally known as NekoAngel with a Log based GF gun simular to earlier Shadow builds, it had decent results, but the log system I thought was messy and very hard to handle. I changed it to Seraphim and changed the gun to a basic statistical GF gun with VCS. After I finally got a few versions togeather it turns out the new arrangement was far more complex, laggier and harder to manage then the original NekoAngel setup, however it was to later to turn back. The robot hit its peak at around the midpoint of its development, all subquent releases after version 0.052 only lost points, but development continued for many versions until it was given up in early 2008.

There have been countless internal builds of robots based off Seraphim that we're never released either due to poor results or we're to laggy to make much of a difference.

Current Rebuild

The current rebuild features a powerful graphics system allowing low-level access to Graphics drawing throught the robot, the only known robot to feature such an advanced feature. It also has a load and go structure framework, which may be a bit messy. This rebuild is also known as Seraphim 2.