Skotty's Distributed Robocode Server

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As much as i want to love Linux, this is just another example in a long history of examples of why I will probably always stay with Windows. I shouldn't have to upgrade my OS just to upgrade my Java version. It would be like having to upgrade to Windows 8 in order to install Java 7. Ridiculous.

Skotty03:37, 11 March 2013

However, one thing I haven't tried yet is just unpacking Oracle Java 7 manually and figuring out how to change my path and environment variables to point to the manually unpacked Java 7. It seems like that might work. But if it doesn't, then it's just more wasted time.

Skotty03:40, 11 March 2013

Actually there are some programs that require a specific windows version to run. For example DirectX 10-11 requires Vista or above. There are Windows 8 only programs.

Chase05:39, 11 March 2013