Dynamic Clustering - How many matches do you look for?

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Well... My first answer is you can't, and for tuning against surfers you still need real battles. Most of the rumble is still not very adaptive, so it's good to have a gun that crushes all those bots, so I'm just tuning my "Main Gun" with WaveSim.

That said, not all weaknesses that guns prey on are things that even surfers adapt to very well. Surfers are reluctant to get too close, have preferred distances, and other tendencies even if they try to flatten their profiles. Skilgannon has tuned against pre-gathered data for surfers and supposedly had success with it, though I'm not sure there's enough data to say it really worked that way or if just tuning his gun to weird new settings is what helped.

Voidious10:26, 17 March 2013