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Revision as of 20:18, 15 December 2008 by Robar (talk | contribs)
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Background Information

Trithemis kirbyi tn.jpg
Trithemis Kirbyi
Author(s) User:Robar
Targeting SymbolicPatternMatching
Movement Mosquito + Random
Released October, 2008
Current Version 1.0
Code License RWPCL

Bot Name
What's special about it?
It's my first MicroBot
Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?
See infobox.
How competitive is it?
Quite. Top 30 micro and top 200 overall bot.


How does it move?
It uses Mosquito's bullet-dodger and an also home-made random movement.
How does it fire?
SymbolicPatternMatching based on velocity (due to random movement) and with search depth of 60.
How does it dodge bullets?
Mosquito's movement reacts exactly when a hostile bullet fired.
How does the melee strategy differ from One-on-one strategy?
It's only a one-on-one bot.
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Between rounds it saves lateral velocity for the Pattern Matching (and everything else, too, because static variables cost less codesize :P), between matches nothing.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?
Another nice insect. :)
Can I use your code?
What's next for your robot?
GuessFactor targeting, squeezing, improving movement.
Does it have any White Whales?
I don't think so, but top 30 micros are being tested toughly. ;)
What other robot(s) is it based on?
Assertive's gun with some improvements.