Remove bots with underscores in version numbers?
Do not worry, it is already gone. It just take a bit of time for rumble to process it.
By the way, you can add flag for your bot.
No it is still there. And it is not removed because the literumble says ERROR. name/game does not exist: aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h knn/roborumble
If you see, and search, there will be 3 SimpleBot, as the old ones are failed to remove.
the problem is not in roborumble@home, as the request body is version=1&game=roborumble&name=aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h_knn&dummy=NA which is raw data.
But the server handles version numbers with underscores badly, the server thinks it is "aaa.SimpleBot_0.023h knn".
Hmm, yeah, LiteRumble itself seems to see the versions correctly. The rankings, anyway. I'm not sure if it's a client bug encoding the URL or the bot removal endpoint on the server that has a parsing bug (or both, even). In any case, I think we may need Skilgannon to manually retire the old bots, or maybe tell us how to do it.