Client java version

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble
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I see the problem. Your bot is entered as

gh.micro.GrubbmThree 0.9a,!Aj169YS0AhgMoQVZe6rd5zXnabUE

If I point a console downloader like 'wget' to this link, it downloads some web page and not the bot. You should no better but to trust your files to MS products which breake all possible web standards and serve different content depending on the web accessing clients.

Bottom line we cannot run your bot because literumble clients cannot download it.

Beaming (talk)18:25, 6 September 2017

Nothing to do with MS products, just an indirect download link. Dropbox and Google Drive do this as well.

Direct download link:

That link broke too. (Apparently OneDrive direct download links are not permanent.) Luckily, Rednaxela's server picked it up.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)18:37, 6 September 2017

I will look into that this evening, I switched provider, so my old webspace is gone. It explains why I provided most (or all) of the battles although I have separate installs for robocode and roborumble.

GrubbmGait (talk)18:37, 6 September 2017

Put them (version a b c and d) on GoogleDrive now. Still missing 7 pairings, so I wait a bit before switching to 0.9b

GrubbmGait (talk)20:44, 6 September 2017