A crazy idea I had to add extra data to the regular surfing stats, by marking places on waves where you know the enemy didn't fire on previous waves (because you were there and didn't get hit) as safe. It runs like a flattener, but in reverse, marking places you've been as safe instead of dangerous. I've got no idea if it will actually work, but I see no reason why it shouldn't. --Skilgannon 11:53, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
Take a look at (very buggy) BlackHole 0.1.11, it does implements this in order to dodge AntiSurfer targeting, although weight fairy low. Not sure is this actually work since I change both buffer and movement algorithm in this version so I don't know what make it perform really bad. If you implements this alone, you will end in sitting duck until hit, and sitting at new location again.
Actually, my ideas is to implements this along with normal stats with crowd movement. But no time for now since I need to create a really work wave surfing robot first.
Please take a look at Rednaxela's AntiAntiSurferSurfing page on old wiki if you like. It does almost exactly same as this. » Nat | Talk » 12:20, 13 April 2009 (UTC)