LifeNext/Version History

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< LifeNext
Revision as of 18:01, 10 January 2018 by Xor (talk | contribs) (to do list)
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LifeNext Sub-pages:
LifeNextVersion History

  • Working — 0.0.0 – 2018-01-?
    • Write a brand-new bot developing framework that takes advantage of Java 8 features (suxh as lambda expressions and method references) Done.
    • Write a reliable melee radar that handles skipped turns very well, and switches smoothly when only one left Done.
    • Write a brand-new gun framework that features both melee and 1v1 Done.
    • Write a brand-new surfing framework that features both melee and 1v1.
    • Write a brand-new kd-tree Done. And Thanks Skilgannon for teaching me a lot of tricks via his open source kd-tree implementation.
    • Write a knn gun.
    • Record gun data against the entire rumble population.
    • Tune gun parameters with genatic algorithms agaisnt the entire rumble via pre-recorded data.