MeleeRumble Client
My meleerumble client doesn't seem to be working, I get this error:
Unable to retrieve participants list. Response is 404: Not Found
and then it continues on with an endless cycle of:
Uploading results ... Could not load properties file: ./roborumble/files/codesizemelee.txt Can't open result file for upload Updating number of battles fought ... Can't open # battles file ... Aborting # battles update
As a solution, I thought I'd create the .txt files manually and put the melee participant list by copying it myself.
Although, I would like to fix the error since it won't pick up new robots and I will eventually make a mistake at copying the whole list or even worse, copy the 1v1 list.
in the meleerumble.txt file, there seems to be a typo in line 128 (my version of that file). It has to be PARTICIPANTSURL=
Note the questionmark between Melee and action.
Thank you, I remember myself comparing the two links but turns out my eyes couldn't distinguish between "&" and "?". :)