Nice work with Figment
That's a much cleaner port of Mirage's gun than I cobbled together although it looks like there are a few things you could nick from FireHammer to reduce Figment's size a little. I'll probably retire FireHammer later.
Thanks! I think the biggest advantage of Figment vs FireHammer is keeping multiple choice -- it's really important for having Mirage's gun work well. But I also think Figment could probably be dethroned by a circular targeting bot with really good movement (i.e., a better-tuned Wallaby).
Yeah, dropping the multiple choice was painful.
I'd be interested to see if Mirage's gun could be squeezed enough to fit in a Capulet style minimum-risk corner movement, I reckon that'd be close to peak performance for the strong gun/simple movement approach to a micro bot.
Hopefully I'll find the time to finish off Quantum sooner rather than later. If the gun works out as well as I'm anticipating I suspect an improved version could be even better than circular targeting for a micro.