Wiki Targeting/Code
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- Wiki Targeting - Dynamic Segmentation - Code - Archived Talk 20090501
+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | MyRobot ------ Node ------ Leaf ------ Bin | | \ \ \ | | \ \ ----- Log -----< Observation | | \ \ | | | \ \ Situation | | \ \ | | \ - Splitter ------< Node(recursive) | | \ | | Recursionlevel | +----------------------------------------------------------------+
Class MyRobot { Node root = new Node(); RecursionLevel level = new Recursionlevel(); processWave() { Observation o = new Observation(Situation s, int GuessFactor); level.reset(); root.addObservation(o, level); } getGuessFactor(Situation s) { level.reset(); root.getGuessFactor(s, level); } } Class Node { Leaf leaf = new Leaf(); Splitter splitter = null; int getGuessFactor(Situation s, RecursionLevel level, double Distance) { if(leaf==null) { return Splitter.getGuessFactor(s, level) //this node is not a leaf. continue recursion. } else { return leaf.getGuessFactor(Distance) } } addObservation(Observation o, RecursionLevel level) { if(leaf==null) { Splitter.addObservation(o, level) //this node is not a leaf. continue recursion. } else { Leaf.add(o); if(leaf.size() >= 40) { if(splitter == null) splitter = new Splitter(); if(splitter.split(leaf, level)) //splitter.split returns true if successful { // this nodes is no longer a leaf node. save memory space by deleting unused objects leaf.discard(); leaf = null; } } } } getPeakFactor() { return leaf.getPeakFactor(); } clear() { leaf.clear(); } } Class RecursionLevel { int level; int min[numDimensions]; //inclusive int max[numDimensions]; //exclusive reset() { level = o; for(i=0;i<numDimensions;i++) { min[i] = 0; max[i] = 127; } } getSplitValue(int SplitDimension) { return (min[SplitDimension] + max[SplitDimension]) / 2.0D; } branchLow (int SplitDimension) { max[SplitDimension] = getSplitValue(SplitDimension); } branchHigh (int SplitDimension) { min[SplitDimension] = getSplitValue(SplitDimension); } } Class Leaf { Log log = new Log(); Bin nodeBin = new Bin(); int getGuessFactor(double Distance) { nodeBin.findBestIndex(Distance); } add(Observation o) { log.add(o); nodeBin.add(o.getGF()); } getPeakFactor() { double Distance = log.getAverageDistance(); //assume the distance is the average distance of all observations return nodeBin.getPeakFactor(Distance); } int size() { return log.size(); } discard() { log = null; nodeBin = null; } clear() { log.clear(); nodeBin.clear(); } } Class Splitter { Node LChild = new Node(); Node HChild = new Node(); int SplitDimension; int getGuessFactor(Situation s, Recursionlevel level) { if(s.getDimension(SplitDimension) < level.getSplitValue(SplitDimension)) { level.diveLow(SplitDimension); LChild.getGuessFactor(s, level); } else { level.diveHigh(SplitDimension); HChild.getGuessFactor(s, level); } } addObservation(Observation o, Recursionlevel level) { if(o.getDimension(SplitDimension) < level.getSplitValue(SplitDimension)) { level.diveLow(SplitDimension); LChild.addObservation(o, level); } else { level.diveHigh(SplitDimension); HChild.addObservation(o, level); } } spawnChildren(List Log, int Dimension, int SplitValue, Node LChild, Node HChild) { for(j=0;j<Log.size();j++) { Observation o = Log.get(j); if(o.getDimension(i) < SplitValue) { L.addObservation(o); } else { H.addObservation(o); } } } boolean split(Leaf parent, Recursionlevel level) //this function is called by the Node when it has enough Observations to justify splitting the Node up. { int BestPeakTotal = parent.getPeakFactor(); //children need to exceed parent's peak factor int BestDim = -1; int SplitValue; for(i=0; i<numDimensions; i++) //iterate over all dimensions and remember the most efficient dimension for splitting { SplitValue = level.getSplitValue(i); spawnChildren(parent.Log, i, SplitValue, LChild, HChild); //temporarily split the parent log into two child nodes if((LChild.getPeakFactor() + HChild.getPeakFactor()) > BestPeakTotal) //check how this split performs { BestDim = i; BestPeakTotal = LChild.getPeakFactor() + HChild.getPeakFactor(); } LChild.clear(); HChild.clear(); } If(BestDim > -1) //if a good splitting dimension is found, make it permanent { SplitDimension = BestDim; SplitValue = level.getSplitValue(SplitDimension); spawnChildren(parent.Log, SplitDimension, SplitValue, LChild, HChild); //permanently split the parent log into two child nodes return true; } else { return false; } } } Class Bin { numBins = 75; int bin[numBins]; add (int GF) { bin[GF]++; } clear() { for(i=0; i<numBins; i++) { bin[i] = 0; } } int calcBotwidth() { //formula see Locke, botwidth is half the bot's width, expressed in GF indices } getPeakFactor(double Distance) { //first find the best index, considering bot width int botwidth = calcBotwidth(Distance); int index = findBestIndex(botwidth); //then, using this index, count the pure visits, considering bot width int PeakFactor = 0; for(i=(index-botwidth+1);i<(index+botwidth);i++) { if(i<0) i=0; if(i>=numBins) i=numBins; PeakFactor += bin[i]; } } int findBestIndex(double Distance) { int botwidth = calcBotwidth(Distance); int specialbin[numBins]; for(index=0; index<numBins; index++) { int imin = index-botwidth+1; if(imin<0) imin=0; int imax = index+botwidth; if(imax>=numBins) imax=numBins-1; for(i=imin;i<imax;i++) { specialbin[index] += bin[i]; } } int bestIndex=0; int bestValue=0; for(index=0; index<numBins; index++) { if(bestValue < specialbin[index]) { bestIndex = index; bestValue = specialbin[index]; } } /* TO DO: IN CASE OF "PLATEAU" FIND MIDDLE INDEX. SEE LOCKE FOR CODE. */ return bestIndex; } } Class Log { List Log = new List(); add(Observation o) { Log.add(o); } Observation get(int index) { return (Observation)Log.get(index); } int size() { return Log.size(); } double getAverageDistance() { int Total, Counter; for(i=0; i<size(); i++) { COunter++; Total += (get(i)).getDimension(x); //x = dimension that represents distance } return (double)Total / (double)Counter; } } Class Observation { Situation s; int GuessFactor; getGF() { return GuessFactor; } getDimension(int d) { return s.getDimension(d); } } Class Situation { int Dimensions[numDimensions]; getDimension(int d) { return Dimensions[d]; } }