Pear/Version History

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Pear Sub-pages:
PearVersion History - RRGC - Archived Talk 20090613

December 12, 2004: Version 0.62.1 -- Reduced many segments again in hit statist, 3 velocity, 2 distance, 3 acc, 2 bullet power, 2 wall.
Rank:8 Rating:2033.72, PL Rank:3(Lost to 2 bots)

December 9, 2004: Version -- Reduced many segments in hit statist.
Rank:8 Rating:2042.32

December 8, 2004: Version -- All Hit Statist's init weigh tweaking.
Rank:8 Rating:2038.23

December 7, 2004: Version -- Keep experiment the segments(one flattener, seven hit statists), a big change i think was moving around enemy not as before of moving around bullet's start position.
Rank:8 Rating:2032.97

November 26, 2004: Version -- very lower segments than before.
Rank:8 Rating:2036.14

November 25, 2004: Version -- Added more segments to try to do better against middle level bots.
Rank:9 Rating:2025

November 24, 2004: Version -- Back to improve 0.61.8.
Rank:9 Rating:2033.47

November 24, 2004: Version 0.58x -- As the very good down of 0.58, I repick 0.58's Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System, and added the experience of 0.6x to be a version 0.58x.
Rank:8 Rating:2019+-

November 23, 2004: Version 0.61.8 -- Low the HitStatist's learning speed, added the flatenner, tweaked Segments.
Rank:7 Rating:2031.93

November 22, 2004: Version 0.61.7 -- Back to 0.61.3's movement, but add escape method to keep a long distance when i was very close to enemy, and fixed a little bugs in my Wave Class.
Rank:7 Rating:2034.43

November 21, 2004: Version 0.61.5 -- Changed the sufering movement, get higher WaveSurfingChallenge score, but very low RR score, there must be bugs in this movement.
Rank:13 Rating:1988

November 21, 2004: Version 0.61.3 -- Tweaking.
Rank:7 Rating:2029

November 20, 2004: Version 0.61.2 -- Lower the segments.
Rank:7 Rating:2027.48

November 20, 2004: Version 0.61.1 -- Removed the flatenner, only with Hit Statist.
Rank:7 Rating:2029.86

November 19, 2004: Version 0.61 -- discard my Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System again. Dynamic Hit Statist Weigh Now.
Rank:8 Rating:2023.19

November 19, 2004: Version 0.60.7 -- Sufer all waves, but every Wave's Statist value(factors) convert from 0 to 1, [0,1].
Rank:8 Rating:2019.21

November 19, 2004: Version 0.60.6 -- Only sufer the nearest wave now.
Rank:10 Rating:1999

November 18, 2004: Version 0.60.5 -- Removed the simple PM Gun, Keep Improving Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System.
Rank:8 Rating:2019.19

November 17, 2004: Version 0.60.3 -- Add a simple PM Gun.
Rank:9 Rating:2017.04

November 16, 2004: Version 0.60.2 -- Keep Improving Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System. Add a Distance-Bearing Segment HitStatist, Removed a higher segment HitStatist.
Rank:6 Rating:2029.96

November 15, 2004: Version 0.60.1 -- Keep Improving Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System. Add a Distance-Wall Segment HitStatist, Removed a high segment HitStatist.
Rank:8 Rating:2020.97

November 14, 2004: Version 0.60 -- Improved Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System.
Rank:10 Rating:2011.43

November 4, 2004: Version 0.59 -- discard my Explosion Increasing Hit Statist System, Use the rolling factor hit statist.
Rank:7 Rating:2021.11

November 4, 2004: Version 0.58.7 -- tweaking segments again.
Rank:8 Rating:2008.02

November 3, 2004: Version 0.58.6 -- tweaking segments again.
Rank:8 Rating:2011.43

November 2, 2004: Version 0.58.5 -- tweaking segments.
Rank:9 Rating:2010.56

November 1, 2004: Version 0.58.4 -- back to 0.58's hitVisit arithmetic, and changed segments.
Rank:8 Rating:2017.2

October 27, 2004: Version 0.58.3 -- Almost back to 0.58's gun, tweaked the hitVisit arithmetic.
Rank:8 Rating:2010.86

October 25, 2004: Version 0.58.2 -- Improve the targeting as PEZ suggested.
Rank:7 Rating:2018.72

October 22, 2004: Version 0.58 -- Changed to PEZ's Butterfly style surfer movement, back ahead or stop.
Rank:7 Rating:2021.1, and ranked #1 in PremierLeague, lost to nobody: .

October 21, 2004: Version 0.57 -- surfer movement changed to a moving to the safe position(like Lacrimas), not the direction control.
Rank:9 Rating:1997.52

October 20, 2004: Version 0.56 -- Tweaked again, predict more accurately.
Rank:10 Rating:1988.35

October 19, 2004: Version 0.55 -- Tweaked statist gather, and fire 1.9 power bullet as tops do.;].
Rank:12 Rating:1971.29

October 18, 2004: Version 0.54 -- Fixed a little bug.;].
Rank:13 Rating:1971.11

October 15, 2004: Version 0.53 -- Tweaked again.;].
Rank:12 Rating:1972.47

October 14, 2004: Version 0.51 -- Tweaked statist gather.;].
Rank:14 Rating:1961.39

October 13, 2004: Version 0.5 -- Tweaked movement, targeting, and start escape when round begin.;].
Rank:15 Rating:1964.79

October 12, 2004: Version 0.4 -- Fixed a big bug in surfer movement.;].
Rank:16 Rating:1941.44

October 11, 2004: Version 0.32 -- improved the statist gather.;].
Rank:22 Rating:1886.84

October 11, 2004: Version 0.3 -- improved the statist gather,surfing better,against HOT better,Special thanks PEZ's Butterfly let me know how the newest cool surfer works ;].
Rank:24 Rating:1870.28

October 10, 2004: Version 0.2 -- fixed some bugs, make it surfing better.
Rank:30 Rating:1837

October 9, 2004: Version 0.1 -- First release, very normal statist gun and wave surfing movement,just a test to see how it can perform in the rumble.
Rank:27 Rating:1847.81