
From Robowiki
Revision as of 22:17, 26 July 2012 by Voidious (talk | contribs) (1.0.1 - fix bug in overall score after switching challenges)
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A batch battle runner in the vein of RoboLeague and RoboResearch. Designed to be easy to setup and to run fast with multi-threading and persistent Robocode engines, using the Robocode control API.

Download and install

  • Download it here: (1.6 MB)
  • Unzip the contents into a new directory, e.g. ~/roborunner.
  • Run to make n clones of an existing Robocode directory, where n is the number of concurrent threads you plan to run with. E.g., ./ 3 ~/robocode_1.7.4.1

Sorry, the setup is Unix only right now. If anyone wants to contribute analogous .bat files, please feel free. Or maybe you can run the shell scripts with Cygwin. RoboRunner itself should work fine if you install some copies of Robocode and point to them in

Running battles

  • Copy some bots into roborunner/bots. JARs will be copied, if necessary, into the robots directory of each Robocode install on launch.
  • Create a .rrc file to configure a challenge, or use one from RoboResearch.
  • Run some battles with E.g., ./ -bot voidious.Diamond 1.8.2 -c dibed35.rrc -seasons 5

Advantages over RoboResearch

  • Easy to setup and get started.
  • Keeps Robocode engine processes running instead of spinning up a new JVM for every battle, for much improved performance.
  • Support for Melee and custom battlefield sizes.
  • Scores for each challenger are kept in a separate file. No slow-downs because of all the previous battles you've run, and no fussing with databases.
  • Cleaner, more human readable output.

Source code

I've published the code in the public domain at GitHub: RoboRunner repo

RoboRunner depends on Guava, which is included in the download above. Read about it or grab the latest JAR here:

What's missing?

There are still some important things missing. Here's my current to do list, in rough priority order.

  • handle other scoring besides APS
  • print % of bots faced until it is 100%
  • render TC/MC scores with support for groups if scoring is bullet damage/energy conserved
  • documentation: info on included cleanup / shell scripts
  • way to check score without running anything
  • handle errors in battles, maybe dying processes or timed out battles too
  • override for number of threads, <= number of installs specified
  • JVM arguments in, right now just passing -Xmx512M
  • layer over Properties battleData so I’m not parsing all over the place
  • option for overall output after every battle
  • store individual battle scores instead of running totals, if there’s demand / use for it
  • support for Windows (.bat files and/or setup instructions)
  • unit tests
  • recover from corrupted data files
  • arg to clear .data dirs before starting
  • print avg elapsed time per battle at end
  • specify dirs for sources of robots in