
From Robowiki
Revision as of 02:14, 20 November 2011 by Skotty (talk | contribs) (add comment on matching bullets to waves)
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So, I added Gilgalad to the 1v1 participants list on Thursday, but it still isn't listed in the rumble, does anyone know if I did something wrong?--AW 20:12, 5 August 2011 (UTC)

Just fixed it for you. You put "aw.Gilgalad" on the participants page when your java class is actually "aw.Gilgalad.Gilgalad". --Rednaxela 00:19, 6 August 2011 (UTC)

Thank you, I will have to change that in the next version. --AW 18:08, 6 August 2011 (UTC)

So, I have been re-writing my movement over the past months and I have a question about the robocode physics. When finding the correct wave to log a hit as in onHitByBullet I could use:

(time - wave.getStartTime()) * wave.getBulletVelocity()

However onBulletHitBullet would need:

(time - wave.getStartTime() - 1) * wave.getBulletVelocity()

Does anyone know why this is the case? (My guess is that the onBulletHitBullet event is called on the turn after bullets hit while the onHitByBullet event is from the current turn but I would like to be certain.) --AW

Actually in my experience it varies far more then this, much to my annoyance. For a bullet bullet collision it is usually -1 or -2 offset and even that distance may be up to 11.5 off (regardless of bullet speed). The normal collision is usually same for normal collision as well. I have been looking for a more elegant way of handling these, but so far nothing has really presented itself. — Chase-san 19:55, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
When I try to match bullets to waves, I find the closest wave, and then consider it a match so long as (closestWaveDist <= bullet.getVelocity()*2 + 0.1). Pretty sloppy tolerance there, but I get by with it. -- Skotty 00:14, 20 November 2011 (UTC)