Talk:Historical Velocity Recall

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Lateral Velocity

I've been experimenting with this targeting method and I have found that for some reason, storing lateral velocity in the array decreases the gun's performance. Why doesn't Math.abs(latvelocity) work as well as Math.abs(e.getVelocity())?

Majorly revised this article

That old page / code example was a bit long for what a simple idea this was, so I made a much simpler page / example and abstracted out the linear targeting part. --Voidious 04:15, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

Um... is this page supposed to be called Historical Velocity Recall, not Historical Velocity Recal? --AaronR 04:39, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
Oh, maybe that's it! I was asking the exact same question - what the heck could "Recal" be? Was even talking about it out loud to someone. Yeah, let's rename it... --Voidious 05:08, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

From old wiki's Historical Velocity Recal page

This is a method of targeting I'm developing for BlueMind.

This method basicaly uses CircularTargeting, but instead of using the current enemy's velocity, you keep a log of all of its recorded velocities: and shooting at the "highest" point in the graph.

This is achieved throught the use of a vector and array pair.


       static Vector velocityMap;
       double[] vArray = new double[321];

       Velocity enemyV = new Velocity(e.getVelocity());
        for(int flush=0;flush<321;flush++){
        Velocity temp = new Velocity(0);
        double temp2=0;
        for(int index=0; index < velocityMap.size(); index++){
            temp = (Velocity)velocityMap.get(index);
            temp2 = (temp.v+8)*20;
        Count target = new Count();
        for(int scan=0; scan < 321; scan++){
                target.value = (scan/20)-8;
        double power = (2200/Math.pow(e.getDistance(),1.15));
            power = getEnergy()-.1;
        double dist = e.getDistance();
        double playerX = getX();
        double playerY = getY();
        double bearing = (Math.toRadians(getHeading())+e.getBearingRadians())%(2*Math.PI);
        double enemyX = playerX + (dist * Math.sin(bearing));
        double enemyY = playerY + (dist * Math.cos(bearing));
        double bulletV = 20 - 3 * power;
        double enemyH = e.getHeadingRadians();
        enemyH += (enemyH-lastH)/(getTime()-lastScanT);
        double gunH = getGunHeading();
        double predictD = e.getDistance();
        double predictX = enemyX;
        double predictY = enemyY;
        double rawV = target.value;
        double theta = 0;
        double time2 = 0;
        double t=0;
        double timeTheta = 0;
        double time0=dist/bulletV;
        int deltaT = 0;
        int others = getOthers();
        double lastDiff=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            t = time0 + deltaT;
            predictX = enemyX+((rawV*t)*Math.sin(enemyH));
            predictY = enemyY+((rawV*t)*Math.cos(enemyH));
            if (predictX < 20){
                predictX = 20;
            }else if(predictX > battleFieldWidth-20){
                predictX = battleFieldWidth-20;
            if (predictY < 20){
                predictY = 20;
            }else if(predictY > battleFieldHeight-20){
                predictY = battleFieldHeight-20;
            predictD = Point2D.Double.distance(playerX,playerY,predictX,predictY);
            timeTheta = Utils.absoluteBearing(playerX, playerY, predictX, predictY);
            timeTheta = Utils.normalizeBearing(timeTheta - gunH);
            time2 = (predictD / bulletV) + (timeTheta / 20);
            if(Math.abs(t-time2) <= lastDiff){
                theta = Utils.absoluteBearing(playerX, playerY, predictX, predictY);
                theta = Utils.normalizeBearing(theta-gunH);
                lastDiff = Math.abs(t-time2);
        lastH = enemyH;
        lastScanT = getTime();


This sounds very similar to the aiming method that Stampede 1.3.3 currently uses (except it has both a linear and a circular version in a VG array). I have not been able to improve it much further than the gun currently in the RR; however that is probably due to my sloppy implementation rather than a weakness in the concept. I'm curious to see how you fare with this. --wcsv